1. Abawi, G. and H.D. Thurston. 1994. Effects of organic mulches, soil amendments, and cover crops on soilborne plant pathogens and their root diseases. . pp. 89-99. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It.. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ. Ithaca, NY., Ithaca, NY..

effects of organic mulches, soil amendments, and cover crops on soilborne plant pathogens and their root diseases, organic matter, biological control, mulching,

2. Alfaro, R. and H. Waaijenberg. 1991. A time-proven way of growing beans. ILEIA Newsletter.
7(1&2): 33.

frijol tapado, slash/mulch, Costa Rica, beans, maize, Colocasia esculenta also grown in system, Minimum tillage, tapado, beans, mulching, slash/mulch, nodulation,

3. Alfaro, R. and H. Waaijenberg. 1992. El cultivo de frijol tapado en Costa Rica: un resumen de investigaciones, 1978-1991. CATIE-MAG-UAW. Informe Tecnico CATIE No. 190, Turrialba, Costa Rica. 12 pp.

El cultivo de frijol tapado en Costa Rica: un resumen de investigaciones, 1978-1991, covered beans, Minimum tillage, Costa Rica, Central America, web blight, Rhizoctonia solani, Thanatephorus cucumeris, fungi, mulching, slash/mulch, organic matter, organic amendments, fertilizer,

4. Alfaro Monge, R. 1994. Improving the frijol tapado system . pp. 209-214. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.
Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How farmers use it, and what researchers know about it. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.

Improving the frijol tapado system, beans, Costa Rica, minimum tillage, Central America, mulching, Costa Rica, slash/mulch

5. Alvarado, A., O.A. Navarro, and L.U. Lorio. 1994. Low input technology for the fertilization of beans in the tapado system. . pp. 179-189. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.
Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How farmers use it, and what researchers know about it. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.

Low input technology for the fertilization of beans in the tapado system, frijol tapado, minimum tillage, Central America, mulching, digging stick, Costa Rica

6. Amador, M. 1995. Reflexiones socioeconomicos del frijol tapado: la experiencia de los agricultores de Acosta y Coto Brus In . CEDECO.
Costa Rica, Beans, socio-economic aspects, slash/mulch HDT file

7. Araya V., R. and W.G. M. 1986. El sistema de frijol tapado en Costa Rica. In .
frijol tapado, minimum tillage, tapado, web blight, Rhizoctonia solani, Thanatephorus cucumeris, fungi, beans, mulching, slash/mulch HDT file

8. Araya V., R. and W. Gonzalez. 1987. El frijol bajo el sistema tapado en Costa Rica. Ciudad Univ., Rodrigo Facio, San José, Costa Rica. 272 pp.

Minimum tillage/tapado/web blight/
Rhizoctonia solani/Thanatephorus cucumeris/fungi/beans/mulching/slash/

9. Araya V., R. and W. Gonzalez M. 1994. The history and future of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown under the slash/mulch system ("tapado") in Costa Rica . pp. 11-17. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.,
frijol tapado, slash/mulch, Costa Rica, history of system, beans, erosion, weeds

10. Arias, F. and M. Amador. Year. Frijol tapado, un sistema ventajoso para el pequeño agricultor. In: M. Bolaños Arquin and I.B. Arquin. I Simposio Sobre Tecnologia Apropiada y Agricultura Biologica Para un Desarrollo Rural Alternativo. San José, Costa Rica.: CICDAA, COPROALDE, Univ. Costa Rica.

frijol tapado, minimum tillage, tapado, web blight, Rhizoctonia solani, Thanatephorus cucumeris, fungi, beans, slash/mulch, less problem with insect (Diabrotica) in tapado system, slugs a problem (Vaginulus spp.), 85% of beans in Costa Rica are from small farmers (campesinos) according to the Agricultural Census of 1984, mulching, 65% of beans in Costa Rica are from frijol tapado

11. Barreto, H. 1994. Evaluation and utilization of different mulches and cover crops for maize production in Central America. . pp. 157-167. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.,
Evaluation and utilization of different mulches and cover crops for maize production in Central America, mucuna, velvet bean, slash/mulch, mulching, green manure/cover crops

12. Bellows, B.C. 1992. Sustainability of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Farming on Steep Lands in Costa Rica: An Agronomic and Socio-Economic Assessment. In . Ph.D. Thesis. Univ. of Florida, Gainesville. 232 pp.
Sustainability of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) farming on steep lands in Costa Rica: an agronomic and socio-economic assessment. slash/mulch, frijol tapado, minimum tillage, tapado, mulching, frijol espeque (dibble stick system), web blight,

13. Bellows, B. 1994. Frijol tapado, frijol espeque, and labranza zero: a socioeconomic and agroecological comparison of bean production methods in Costa Rica. . pp. 115-128. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.,
Frijol tapado, frijol espeque, and zero tillage: a socioeconomic and agroecological comparison of bean production methods in Costa Rica, slash/mulch, minimum tillage, Central America, mulching, digging stick,

14. Bolaños Arquín, M. and I.B. Arquín, ed. 1991. Memoria. I Simposio sobre Tecnologia Apropiada y Agricultura Biologica para un Desarolla Rural Alternativo. COPROALDE. Univ. de Costa Rica: San José. 208 pp.

appropriate technology, agricultural biology, alternative rural agricultural development, frijol tapado, velvet beans, azolla, diseases and insects of crops in Costa Rica, potatoes, pesticides, solar energy, organic pesticides, slash/mulch, green manure/cover crops HDT file

15. Buckles, D., et al. 1994. "Cowardly land becomes brave". The use and diffusion of fertilizer bean (Mucuna deeringianum) on the hillsides of Atlantic Honduras. pp. --- In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.
Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How farmers use it, and what researchers know about it. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.
"Cowardly land becomes brave". The use and diffusion of fertilizer bean (Mucuna deeringianum) on the hillsides of Atlantic Honduras, Velvet beans, green manures, organic matter, mulching, organic amendments, slash/mulch, mucuna, organic matter, CIIFAD, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY, green manures/cover crops,

16. Bunch, R. 1994. The potential of slash/mulch for relieving poverty and environmental degredation . pp. 5-9 In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.,
slash/mulch, poverty, World Neighbors, mucuna, velvet bean, green manure, lab lab, Canavalia, scarlet runner bean, jack bean, erosion, extension, green manures/cover crops,

17. Cavallini, R. 1972. Recomendaciones para aumentar la producion de frijol tapado. Agroindustria (Costa Rica).
1(6): 18.

Minimum tillage/tapado/web blight/Rhizoctonia solani/Thanatephorus cucumeris/fungi/beans/mulching/

18. Cavallini S., R.M. 1972. El frijol tapado. Agricultor Costarricense.
34(7): 275-276.

Minimum tillage/tapado/beans/Costa Rica/Central America/web blight/Rhizoctonia solani/Thanatephorus cucumeris/fungi/mulching/slash/mulch

19. Chaverri, F., L.C. González, and F. Bertsch. 1993. Efecto de la aplicación de calcio y fosforo en ultisoles e inceptisoles sobre el desarrollo de la telaraña (Thanatephorus cucumeris) en frijol comun (Phaseolus vulgaris). Agron. Costarricense.
17(2): 77-86.

"plants that grew in limed soils were less susceptible to the fungus attack. The phosphorus application had a similar effect." beans, web blight, Rhizoctonia solani, frijol tapado, mulch, soils, lime, phosphorus, Ca, P2O5, Costa Rica, ultisols, inceptisols

20. COPROALDE and CEDECO. 1991. Memoria del I Encuentro Nacional Campesino de Frijol Tapado. COPROALDE. CEDECO. Colegio Agropecuario San Ignacio de Acosta. 12-14 de Julio de 1991, San Ignacio de Acosta, Costa Rica,
Memoria of the 1st National meeing of campesinos (peasant farmers) on frijol tapado, covered beans, Minimum tillage, beans, Costa Rica, Central America, mulching, slash/mulch,

21. Crispin, A. and C.C. Gallegos. 1963. Web blight - a severe disease of beans and soybeans in Mexico. Plant Dis. Rep.
47: 1010-1011.

Minimum tillage,tapado/beans/soybeans
/Mexico/Central America/web blight/fungi/mulching/slash/mulch/
Rhizoctonia solani/Thanatephorus cucumeris

22. De Jesus Huz, M. 1994. El uso de la Canavalia ensiformis y otras leguminosas como coberturas muertas en la agricultural Yucateca (The use of Canavalia ensiformis and other leguminous species as mulches for farming in the Yucatan.) . pp. 207-208. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.
Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How farmers use it, and what researchers know about it. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.

area only has 600-700 mm rain/year, after the maize harvest in Dec. or Jan. the Canavalia is left to cover the soil during the dry period. In April or May, the Canavalia is slashed and left of the surface of the soil. In June the maize is planted with a digging stick or in rows. Using this system, maize yields which were 600 kg/ha have recently risen to 2600 kg/ha. in a field with the maize/sword bean system. There is a problem with a worm attacking 50% the sword beans, but this is not a problem as all of the seed is rarely needed. The use of Canavalia ensiformis and other legumes as as slash/mulch cover crops in Yucatan agriculture, sword bean, mucuna, velvet bean, mulching, minimum tillage, Mexico, green manures

23. De la Cruz, R. 1994. The usefulness of weed diversity in slash/mulch bean production: difficulties in herbicide use. . pp. 233-234. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.
Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How farmers use it, and what researchers know about it. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.

The utility of the diversity of weeds in frijol tapado. Difficulties with the use of herbicides, minimum tillage, slash/mulch, Costa Rica, mulching, good weeds, bad weeds,

24. Dotson-Brooner, B. 1995. Modifying a Traditional Farming System in the Highlands of Western Cameroon for Enhancement of Productivity and Sustainability In . Cornell Univ.
Cameroon, traditional farming systems, slash and burn, slash/mulch, beans, frijol tapado, conservation, agroforestry, soils, ALES Land Evaluation, Kom people, tropical forests, erosion, HDT File.

25. Duplan, V. and J.A. Aguirre. 19?? Analisis de la produccion de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) bajo cuatro sistemas de produccion en Alejuela, Costa Rica. CATIE. Public. Misc. No. 90., Turrialba, Costa Rica.
Minimum tillage/tapado/mulching/beans
/Costa Rica/Central America
/web blight/fungi/slash/mulch,Rhizoctonia solani, Thanatephorus cucumeris/frijol tapado

26. Echandi, E. 1965. Basidiospore infection by Pellicularia filamentosa (= Corticum microsclerotia), the incitant of web blight of the common bean. Phytopathology.
55: 698-699.

Web blight/fungi/beans/minimum tillage/tapado/mulching/slash/mulch, Rhizoctonia solani, Thanatephorus cucumeris

27. Escobar Muñera, M.L., C. Ramirez, and D. Kass. 1994. Nitrogen in alley cropping using Erythrina poeppigigiana and Gliricidia sepium with common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) . pp. 133-147. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.,
Nitrogen in a alley cropping system with poró (Erythrina poeppigigiana) y madero negro (Gliricidia sepium) with common beans, mata raton, mulching, slash/mulch, alley cropping

28. Flores, M. 1994. The use of leguminous cover crops in traditional farming systems in Central America. . pp. 149-155. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.,
The utilization of leguminous cover crops in traditional systems of agriculture in Central America, mucuna, velvet bean, slash/mulch, maize, lab lab, cover crops/green manures, mulching, mulch

29. Forsythe, W., R. Alberty, and J.N. Rocha. Year. Production and erosion in a cultivation of corn and beans with varying live cover on steep slopes in Costa RicaWorkshop on Slash/Mulch Practices. Sustainable Production Systems. Turrialba, Costa Rica. October 12-16, 1992:

slash/mulch, frijol tapado, no-till, erosion, beans, maize,

30. Galindo, J.J. 1982. Epidemiology and control of web blight of beans in Costa Rica In . Ph.D. Thesis, Cornell University.
Epidemiology/web blight/fungi/Costa Rica/Central America/Tapado/mulching/minimum tillage/beans/slash/mulch, frijol tapado Rhizoctonia solani, Thanatephorus cucumeris

31. Galindo, J.J., et al. 1982. Characterization of Thanatephorus cucumeris isolates causing web blight of beans in Costa Rica. Turrialba.
32: 447-455.

Minimum tillage/tapado/beans/Costa Rica/Central America/web blight/fungi/mulching Rhizoctonia solani, Thanatephorus cucumeris

32. Galindo, J.J., et al. 1982. 'Tapado', controlling web blight of beans on small farms in Central America. New York's Food and Life Sciences Quarterly.
14(3): 21-25.

Minimum tillage/tapado/beans/Costa Rica/Central America/web blight/fungi/mulching/slash/mulch Rhizoctonia solani, Thanatephorus cucumeris

33. Galindo, J.J., et al. 1983. Effect of mulching on web blight of beans in Costa Rica. Phytopathology.
73: 610-615.

Minimum tillage/tapado/beans/Costa Rica/Central America/web blight/fungi/mulching/slash/mulch Rhizoctonia solani, Thanatephorus cucumeris

34. Galindo, J.J., et al. 1983. Source of inoculum and development of bean web blight in Costa Rica. Plant Disease.
67: 1016-1021.

Minimum tillage/tapado/beans/Costa Rica/Central America/web blight/fungi/mulching/slash/mulch Rhizoctonia solani, Thanatephorus cucumeris

35. Galindo, J.J. 1994. Incidence of web blight of beans grown under the the slash/mulch system in Costa Rica . pp. 101-107. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.,
Incidence of web blight of beans in the the frijol tapado system in Costa Rica,
minimum tillage, tapado, web blight, Rhizoctonia solani, Thanatephorus cucumeris, fungi, beans, mulching, slash/mulch.

36. Garcia-Espinosa, R., R.Q. Madrigal, and N.G. Alvarez. 1994. Agroecosystems for sustained maize production in the hot, wet regions of Mexico. . pp. 61-74. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.,
Mexico, productive, sustainable agroecosystems for maize in the hot, humid regions of Mexico, mucuna, velvet bean, minimum tillage, mulching, maize, slash/mulch, cover crops/green manures, mulch

37. Gonzalez M., W. and R.A. V. 1994. An agroeconomic study of frijol tapado in Costa Rica . pp. 263-272. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.
Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How farmers use it, and what researchers know about it. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.

An agroeconomic study of frijol tapado in Costa Rica, economic, minimum tillage, slash/mulch, mulching, beans,

38. Holt-Gimenez, E. and R.P. C. 1994. "Farmer to farmer" - The potential for technology generation and transfer for farmers in Rio San Juan, Nicaragua . pp. 75-84. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.,
Nicaragua, potential of campesinos for the generation and transfer of technology, mucuna, velvet bean, minimum tillage, mulching, maize, slash/mulch, technology transfer, cover crops/green manures, mulch

39. Isacsson, S.E. 1975. Observations on Choco slash-mulch agriculture: Work diary and dietary of an Embera domestic group in mid-eastern Choco, Colombia. In: Goteborgs Etnografiska Museum. Annual Report for 1975. Göteborg, Germany, pp. 21-45.

Slash/mulch/Embera domestic group/Indians/mid-eastern Choco/Colombia/South America/minimum tillage/tapado/mulching

40. Isacsson, S.-E. 1985. Observations on Choco Slash-Mulch Culture. Work diary and dietary of an Emberá domestic group in mid-eastern Chocó, Colombia. . In: Isacsson, and Carl E. Batt. Anthropological Investigations in Amazonia. Selected Papers. Museum of Anthropology, Univ. of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO. 115 pp.,
slash/mulch, chococito maize, mid-eastern Choco, South America, minimum tillage, tapado, mulching, Atrato river basin, Observations on Choco OLIN +GN4 C69 No. 47

41. Jimenez S., E. 1978. Comentarios sobre la producción de frijol comun (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en Costa Rica. Agron. Costarricense.
2: 103-108.

Minimum tillage/tapado/mulching/web blight/Rhizoctonia solani/Thanatephorus cucumeris/fungi/bean/Central America/slash/mulch

42. Jiménez, G. 1985. Levantamiento de malezas en el cultivo del frijol tapado en la zona de Upala. Plits.
3(2): 213-224.

frijol tapado, beans, weeds, slash/mulch

43. Martin Ramirez, P. 1992. Characterization of frijol tapado producers in Costa Rica . pp. --- In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.
Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Slash/Mulch: How farmers use it, and what researchers know about it. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.

Characterization of frijol tapado producers in Costa Rica, minimum tillage, slash/mulch, mulching, beans,

44. Melara, W. and L.d. Río. 1994. The use of minimum tillage and leguminous cover crops in Honduras. . pp. 53-59. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.,
Honduras, use of minimum tillage and leguminous cover crops in Honduras, Slash/Mulch Practices, mucuna, velvet bean, mulching, Latin America, cover crops/green manures, mulch

45. Mercado, J., F. Calderon, and H. Sosa. 1994. Systems for sowing with mulches: Conservation tillage without burning, an alternative for sustainable agriculture . . pp. 43-52. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY., Ithaca, NY.

El Salvador, Conservation tillage without burning, an alternative for agricultural sustainability, Slash/Mulch Practices, mucuna, velvet bean, frijol tapado cover crops/green manures, mulch

46. Mestanza I. and C. Alberto. 1994. A traditional slash/mulch system for beans in Peru . pp. 85-87. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.,
traditional slash/mulch system for beans in Peru, minimum tillage, mulching, slash/mulch for potatoes, haragan chacra, frijol tapado

47. Moreno, R. 1994. The effect of using mulches with intercropping . pp. 191-205. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.
Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How farmers use it, and what researchers know about it. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.

Multiple cropping interactions in the slash/mulch system, frijol tapado, minimum tillage, Central America, mulching, intercropping

48. Osborn, A. and F. Melo. 1987. La alimentación Kwaiker dentro de su contexto agricola. ICBF, Pasto, Narino.
: .

tapado, Narino, Colmbia, Andes, mulching, slash/mulch, maize,

49. Ospina, T. 1913. Agricultura Colombiana: Notas de un curso dictado en la Univ. de Antioquia por... Ex rector de la Escuela de Minas y vice-presidente de Primer Congreso Agricola Colombiano. Imp. de 'La Familia Cristiana', Medillin., 321 pp.

mulching/minimum tillage/slash/mulch Coined name 'tapado' (cited in Patino, 1965).

50. Pachico, D. and E. Borbon. 1987. Technical change in traditional small farm agriculture: the case of beans in Costa Rica. Agric. Administration and Extension.
26: 65-74.

Technical change in traditional small farm agriculture: the case of beans in Costa Rica, frijol tapado, minimum tillage, Central America, mulching, slash/mulch, high input "espequeado", varieties for tapado HDT file - Missing from Mann

51. Paoletti, E.G. and D. Pimentel. 1992. Biotic Diversity in Agroecosystems. Elsevier, Amsterdam. 356 p.

Biotic Diversity in Agroecosystems, Rosemeyer article on frijol tapado, Costa Rica, traditional systems, biodiversity, diversity,

52. Patiño, V.M. 1956. El maiz chococito. Am. Indigena.
16: 309-346.

Slash/mulch/Choco/Colombia/South America/maize/mulching/Ecuador/tapado

53. Patiño, V.M. 1962. El maiz chococito: Notas sobre su cultivo en America ecuatorial. Revista Interamericana de Ciencias Sociales, (Washington , DC).
1(3): 358-388.

Used tapado in Veraguas, Panama and la cuenca del Rio Sarapiqui, Costa Rica. True Jivaros broadcast seed before cutting vegetation, starting with the smallest trees. Have special primitive maize 'chococito' for tapado. For slash and burn have different kind of maize. Believe one-year old seed is more resistant to insects and to excessive moisture. List insects, rodents and birds attacking maize. Beans/mulching/Central America/fire/heat/minimum tillage/slash/mulch/Ecuador

54. Patiño, V.M. 1965. Historia de la Actividad Agropecuaria en America Equinoccia. 1a Edicion. Imprenta Departmental., Cali, Colombia. 601 pp.

Describes tapado (p. 58). Ascribes name to Tulio Ospina (1913). Used by natives in Choco. Miguel Cabello Balboa (1945 - cited in Patino, p. 59) noticed the natives in the coast of Ecuador in 1577 "no hacen mas que arrojar el maiz en la montaña y coratar el monte encima y acude la cosecha: ciento por uno." Other references and descriptions follow of tapado. Describes planting in mounds. maize/ridges/South America/slash and burn/fire/heat/mulching/hilling/minimum tillage/slash/mulch/tapado/Andes/Choco/
raised/tropical agriculture S473.9 P29

55. Pimbert, M. 1985. A model of host plant change of Zabrotes-subfasciatus coleoptera bruchidae in a traditional bean cropping system in Costa Rica. Biol. Agric. Hortic.
3(1): 39-54.

Field studies in a frijol tapado system showed that an average of 8% of the bean pods were attacked by Zabrotes subfasciatus. Data in insects reproductive biology, slash/mulch, pests, Wild host Phaseolus lunatus was also attacked (9%), and model projects that controlling P. lunatus could reduce damage to beans in field and in storage, mulching,

56. Rava, C.A. 1991. Producción artesanal de semilla mejorado de frijol. Proyecto FAO-TCP/NIC/8956(E). Agosto de 1991, Managua, Nicaragua.
PAGE 37. Consiste en realizar la siembra del frijol al voleo, entre la maleza y, posteriormente, cortarla con machete. Las plantas de frijol, despues de germinar, van a salir a traves de esta cobertura muerta. Aunque los costos son minimos, los rendimientos son bajos (500 kg/ha o 15.5 qq/mz). Tambien se requiere sembrar unos 100 kg/ha (155 libras /mz) de semilla. El metodo tiene la ventaja de combatir la erosion y es optimo para sembrar en pendiente. Tambien permite controlar enfermedades diseminadas por el salpique, tales como la mustia hilachosa y el anublo o tizon bacteriano comun. Por estas razones es muy empleado en las siembras de apante en la Costa Atlantica. Este sistema de siembra, si bien permite la obtencion de cosechas en zonas marginales, debera ser mas estudiado antes de ser recomendado para la produccion artesanal de semillas mejoradas de frijol. frijol tapado, beans, web blight, Rhizoctonia, slash/mulch, Nicaragua, common bacterial blight of beans HDT file

57. Rizzo Boesch, R., et al. 1994. The effect of two diets based on leguminous cover crops on weight gain and reproductive capacity of the slug Sarasinula plebeia Fischer . pp. 109-114. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.,
The effect of diets based on leguminous cover crops on the weight increase and reproductive capacity of the slug Sarasinula plebeia, mucuna, velvet bean, Canavalia ensiformis, Mucuna puriens, slugs lost weight on mucuna diet and did not , green manures/cover crops, reproduce, mulch

58. Rosemeyer, M.E., et al. 1989. Comparacion de la produccion de semillas, nodulacion y micorrizas en frijol tapado modificado y espequeado bajo varias dosis de fertilizantes en San Vito de Java, Coto Brus, Costa Rica. . In: Bolaños A., M. y I. Bolaños A. (eds.) Memoria. I Simposio Sobre Tecnologia Apropiada y Agricultura Biologica para un Desarrollo Rural Alternativo. COPROALDE, Univ. de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica, .

Minimum tillage, tapado, fungi, beans, mulching, slash/mulch, Costa Rica, nodulation, HDT file

59. Rosemeyer, M. 1990. The effect of different management strategies on the tripartite symbiosis of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) with Rhizobium and vesicular-arbuscular mycorhizal fungi in two agroecosystems in Costa Rica In . Univ. of California, Santa Cruz, CA.
tripartite symbiosis of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) with Rhizobium and vesicular-arbuscular mycorhizal fungi in two agroecosystems in Costa Rica, frijol tapado, minimum tillage, Central America, mulching, slash/mulch

60. Rosemeyer, M.E. and S.R. Gliessman. 1992. Modifying traditional and high-input systems for optimization of microbial symbioses. A case study of dry beans in Costa Rica. Agric., Ecosystems & Environment.
40(1-4): 61-70.

frijol tapado, minimum tillage, Central America, mulching, slash/mulch, rhizobium, mycorrhizae, nodulation, espequeado system, shifting cultivation

61. Rosemeyer, M.E. 1994. Comparison of yields and formation of mycorrhiza and nodules of beans grown under the "frijol tapado" and "espequeado" systems with fertilizer . pp. 169-178. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.
Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How farmers use it, and what researchers know about it. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.

Comparison of yield, mycorrhizae and nodulation of beans grown under the slash/mulch and espequeado systems with fertilizer addition, frijol tapado, minimum tillage, Central America, mulching, digging stick,

62. Rosemeyer, M.E. 1994. El cultivo organico de frijol en Costa Rica In .
beans, frijol tapado, organic beans, Costa Rica, slash/mulch, slugs, diseases, HDT File - Mimeo

63. Rosemeyer, M.E. Year. Eficiencia de aplicaciones de fosforo en los sistemas frijol tapado y espequeado a traves de tres años. In: R.A. Villalobos. Taller International Sobre Bajo Fosforo en frijol comun. Univ. de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica: Univ. de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica.

P applied to mulch more effective that P incorporated into soil frijol tapado, covered beans, phosphorus, mulch, fertilizer

64. Sain, G., I. Ponce, and E.B. C. 1994. Profitability of the abonera system practiced by farmers on the Atlantic Coast of Honduras . pp. 273-282. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G. Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How farmers use it, and what researchers know about it. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.

Profitability of the green manure system in the hillsides of Atlantic Honduras, (Mucuna deeringianum), Velvet beans, green manures/cover crops, organic matter, mulching, organic amendments, slash/mulch, mucuna, organic matter, mulch

65. Schlather, K.J. 1998. The dynamics and cycling of phosphorus in mulched and unmulched bean production systems indigenous to the humis tropics of Central America In . Cornell University.
mulching, phosphorus, tapado, slash/mulch, Costa Rica,

66. Schwartz, H.F. and G.E. Galvez, ed. 1980. Bean Production Problems: Disease, Insect, Soil, and Climatic Constraints of Phaseolus vulgaris. CIAT: Cali, Colombia. 424 pp.

Minimum tillage/tapado/mulching/beans/web blight/Rhizoctonia solani/Thanatephorus cucumeris/fungi/slash/mulch

67. Schwartz, H.F. and M.A. Pastor-Corrales. 1989. Bean Production Problems in the Tropics. CIAT., Cali, Colombia. 654 pp.

Beans/web blight/Rhizoctonia solani/Thanatephorus cucumeris/fungi/minimum tillage/tapado/mulching/slash/mulch

68. Shenk, M., et al. Year. Repuesta del frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) a diferentes manejos de la vegetaciónIn: Reunión Anual del PCCMCA,. Tegucigalpa, Honduras.: Secretaría de Recursos Naturales, Honduras.

frijol tapado, beans, slash/mulch, herbicides, paraquat, weeds, glycophosphate

69. Shenk, M. 1994. Possible modifications of planting and mulch management schemes for frijol tapado. . pp. 129-132. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) 273-282. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.,
Possible modifications of planting and mulch management schemes for frijol tapado, slash/mulch, minimum tillage, Central America, herbicides, fertilizer

70. Skutch, A. 1950. Problems in milpa agriculture. Turrialba.
1: 4-6.

Mulching/Central America/minimum tillage/slash/mulch/frijol tapado Author lived in El General, Costa Rica. 'The bean seed is broadcast through the low, dense vegetation, which is then cut down with machetes and chopped up (picado) so that it lies close to the ground. The bean vines sprout up through the mulch of stems and leaves, finally covering them over. No cultivation of the crop is necessary or feasible.' Also plant maize in tapado.

71. Smith, M. 1994. Crop variety improvement for slash/mulch production systems. . pp. 239-247. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.
Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How farmers use it, and what researchers know about it. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.

Crop variety improvement for slash/mulch production systems, frijol tapado, minimum tillage, slash/mulch, mulching, beans, maize, breeding

72. Soto, G., ed. 1990. Establecimeinto de pasturas en el Piedemonte Caqueteño, Colombia. Curso-Taller sobre "Establecimeinto, Desarrollo y Manejo de Pasturas Mejoradoas en el Piedemonte Caqueteño, Colombia. CIAT: Cali, Colombia. 8 pp.

Another example of the "tapado" system. R. W. Blake found a CIAT reference where the system has been used to successfully re-establish pastures in the Colombian Amazoni'a. Like beans, the existing vegetation is slashed and immediately planted vegetatively at high density with the pasture species, slash/mulch, pastures,

73. Soto Garcia, G. and J.J.G. Ocampo. 199-. Siembra de Braquiaria decumbens por el sistem de tapado en el pie de monte Caqueteño In . Univ. de Amazonía.
tapado, grasses, pastures, tapado system has been used to successfully re-establish pastures in the Colombian Amazonia. As with beans, the existing vegetation is slashed and immediately planted vegetatively at high density with the pasture species, slash/mulch, pastures, In HDT file

74. Tapia B., H. 1987. Manejo de malas hierbas en plantaciones de frijol in Nicaragua. Instituto Superior de Ciencias Agropecuarias,, Managua, Nicaragua.
28 % of total bean area is in frijol tapado frijol tapado, beans, web blight, Rhizoctonia, slash/mulch, Nicaragua, HDT file

75. Tapia Barquero, H. and A.C. Henriquez. 1988. Manejo integrado de la producion de frijol basado en labranza cero. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit(GTZ), Eschborn, Germany. 181 pp.

slash/mulch, frijol tapado, non-tillage, Nicaragua, beans, raised bed to control Pythium, suggests that no-till and tapado systems control rain splashing and thus there is less web blight (T. cucumeris), bacterial blight (X. campestris pv. phaseoli), and angular leaf blight (Isariopsis griseola), and Entyloma petuniae (Entyloma leaf smut) Picture on page 99, espeque= digging stick, zero tillage, mulching,

76. Thurston, H.D. 1984. Tropical Plant Diseases. American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul MN. 208 pp.

Diversity/Slash and burn/fire/heat/paddy rice/agricultural systems/
fungi/monoculture/minimum tillage/tapado/mulching/Moko/banana/
bacteria/slash/mulch/plant diseases, tropical diseases, plant pathology, Tropical Plant Diseases, South American leaf blight of rubber (pp. 171-175), Microcyclus ulei, fungi, Pseudomonas solanacearum, bacteria, slash/mulch, root and tuber crops, vegetables, drugs, maize, sorghum, palms, coconuts, Microcyclus ulei, Pseudomonas solanacearum. South American leaf blight of rubber (pp. 171-175)

77. Thurston, H.D. 1989. Enfermedades de Cultivos en el Tropico. Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Turrialba, Costa Rica. 232 pp.

tropical diseases, plant pathology, Tropical Plant Diseases, Diversity, Slash and burn, fire, heat, paddy rice, agricultural systems, South American leaf blight of rubber (pp. 171-175), Microcyclus ulei, fungi, monoculture, minimum tillage, tapado, mulching, Moko, banana, Pseudomonas solanacearum, bacteria, slash/mulch, root and tuber crops, vegetables, drugs, maize, sorghum, palms, coconuts,

78. Thurston, H.D. 1994. Sistemas de corte y cobertura: los olvidados agroecosistemas sostenibles del tropico . pp. 29-44. In. Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.
Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Los Sistemas de Siembra con Cobertura: Tapado. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.

slash/mulch systems, minimum tillage, mulching, Choco, Colombia, South America, Papua New Guinea, maize, mulching, frijol tapado, bananas

79. Thurston, H.D., et al., ed. 1994. Tapado. Los Sistemas de Siembra con Cobertura. CIIFAD y CATIE, Cornell Univ.: Ithaca, NY. 329 pp.

history of slash/mulch, mucuna, frijol tapado, alley cropping, pruning, mixed cropping, biological control, diversity, fallow, rotation, minimum tillage, multiple cropping, organic matter, tillage, weeds, Costa Rica, Central America, Mexico, Choco

80. Thurston, H.D. 1994. Introduction and discussion of workshop objectives . pp.1-4 In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.
Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How farmers use it, and what researchers know about it. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY.

History of slash/mulch systems in Latin America, minimum tillage, mulching,
Choco, Colombia, South America, maize, mulching, frijol tapado

81. Thurston, H.D., et al., ed. 1994. Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ.: Ithaca, NY. 302 pp.

history of slash/mulch, mucuna, frijol tapado, alley cropping, pruning, mixed cropping, biological control, diversity, fallow, rotation, minimum tillage, multiple cropping, organic matter, tillage, weeds, Costa Rica, Central America, Mexico, Choco

82. Thurston, H.D. 1994. Slash/Mulch systems: neglected sustainable tropical agroecosystems . pp. 29-42. In: Thurston, H. D., M. Smith, G.Abawi, S. Kearl (eds.) Tapado. Slash/Mulch: How Farmers Use It, and What Researchers Know About It.. CIIFAD and CATIE, Cornell Univ. Ithaca, NY.,
slash/mulch, frijol tapado, Spanish, history of slash/mulch, , biological control, diversity, fallow, rotation, minimum tillage, multiple cropping, organic matter, tillage, weeds, Costa Rica, Central America, Mexico, popal, Choco

83. Thurston, H.D. 1997. Slash/Mulch Systems: Sustainable Methods for Tropical Agriculture. Westview Press, Boulder, CO. 192.

Some of the most interesting sustainable agricultural practices that ancient farmers developed, especially in warm, humid tropical areas, were the slash/mulch practices. They are still widely used today, but are often overlooked or perhaps mistaken as a slash and burn system. Slash/mulch agricultural systems are characterized by the slashing or cutting of vegetation in situ to produce a mulch for an agricultural crop rather than discarding or burning it, as is often the case in traditional shifting cultivation systems. Although the literature on the various slash and burn systems used throughout the tropics is extensive, few references can be found regarding slash/mulch systems, but they are probably far more important in the hot, humid tropics than most authorities realize. In addition to numerous indigenous slash/mulch systems such as frijol tapado and the marceño or popal systems there are many other agricultural systems that include the use of slashed cover crops. Alley cropping, velvetbean/maize systems, and various coppicing systems are other examples.

Why might a book on slash/mulch practices be worthwhile among the steady tide of treatises on improving agriculture. There are two major reasons for documenting this oft-neglected subject. First, slash/mulch practices benefit the environment by providing an alternative to destructive slash and burn practices, reducing shifting cultivation through shortening required fallow lengths and restoring degraded soils through the addition of organic matter. Second, slash/mulch systems generally increase and/or stabilize yields which, in addition to improving family welfare, addresses equity issues by allowing resource-poor farmers to compete more effectively with larger commercial farmers. fire, fallow, heat, mulching, organic matter, rotations, shade, mucuna, cover crops, green manures, weeds, Velvet beans, organic amendments, slash/mulch, Mexico, Honduras, Central America, weeds,

84. Thurston, H.D. 1998. Tropical Plant Diseases. 2nd ed. Am. Phytopathol. Soc., St. Paul, MN. 200 pp.

Diversity/Slash and burn/fire/heat/paddy rice/agricultural systems/
fungi/monoculture/minimum tillage/tapado/mulching/Moko/banana/
bacteria/slash/mulch/plant diseases, tropical diseases, plant pathology, Tropical Plant Diseases, South American leaf blight of rubber (pp. 171-175), Microcyclus ulei, fungi, Pseudomonas solanacearum, bacteria, slash/mulch, root and tuber crops, vegetables, drugs, maize, sorghum, palms, coconuts,

85. Van Schoonhoven, A. and O. Voysest. 1989. Common beans in Latin America and their constraints. . In: Schwartz, H. F. and M. A. Pastor-Corrales. Bean Production Problems in the Tropics. CIAT, Cali, Colombia. 654 pp.,
beans, diseases, frijol tapado, slash/mulch, web blight, Latin America, tropics, CIAT, mulching

86. Von Platen, H.H., P. Rodriguez, and J. Lagemann. 1982. Farming Systems in Acosta-Puriscal, Costa Rica. CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica. 146 pp.

Farming systems/cropping systems/minimum tillage/tapado/Rhizoctonia/covered beans/mulching/fungi/Costa Rica/Central America/slash/mulch

87. Von Platen, H.H. 1985. Appropriate Land Use Systems of Smallholder Farms on Steep Slopes in Costa Rica: A Study on Situation and Development Possibilities. Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk., Kiel, Germany. 187 pp.

Minimum tillage/tapado/Costa Rica/Central America/ridges/mulching/hilling/slash/
mulch 'The essential part of soil preparation for tobacco planting is the establishment of terraces...On flat land the terraces may be only about 30 cm high, but on steeper land each ridge may be up to 80-90 cm below the one above. Organic matter is incorporated in the soil, thus improving soil fertility.' (p. 34)

88. Waalen, J. and M. Rosemeyer. 1990. Adapting a traditional agroecosystem to current needs. The Cultivar.
8(1): 3-4 and 15-16.

frijol tapado, slash/mulch, Rosemayer's work in Costa Rica, beans, phosphorus deficiency, fertilizer use, digging stick=espeque, espequeado, 80% of beans in 1981 were from frijol tapado, in 1987 only 50%, mulching, Rosemeyer's work in Costa Rica

89. Wagner, P.L. 1958. Nicoya: A cultural geography. Publication in Geography (Univ. of Calif. Press, Berkeley).
12(3): 213-217.

Minimum tillage/tapado/rice/beans/Nicoya/mulching/Costa Rica/Central America/slash/mulch

90. Weber, G.F. 1939. Web-blight, a disease of beans caused by Corticium microsclerotia. Phytopathology.
29: 559-575.

fungi/minimum tillage/tapado/mulching/beans/Web blight/slash/mulch Corticium microsclerotia, Rhizoctonia solani, Thanatephorus cucumeris

91. West, R.C. 1957. The Pacific Lowland of Colombia: A Negroid Area of the American Tropics. Louisiana State University Studies. La. State University Press. Social Science Series, No. 8, Baton Rouge.
storage/South America/minimum tillage/slash/mulch/cultivation/mulching
/Choco/maize/Colombia/maize storage Tapado cutting is a community affair where the owner provides guarapo and a meal and reciprocates. 'Platform gardens' (p. 241 & 145, 143-146). Rainfall in Colombian Pacific lowlands ranges from 120-400', 80% of population is black, Quibdó rainfall averages 10,545.7 mm per year (p. 25), Buenaventura (p. 30) averages 6374.6 mm per year. Maize is hung in rafters near the hearth in round bundles (ensartos) where smoke will thoroughly dry it (p. 131).